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5 Tips to Prevent Chronic Injury

Really, there are only two types of injuries, those that happen in a single traumatic event (acute injuries) and overuse injuries (chronic), the ones that keep reappearing over and over again. Chronic injuries are the ones that people find the most frustrating. Just when you think you’ve healed from the last strain, bam! There it is again. The old “no pain, no gain” saying just won’t cut it so pushing through the injury isn’t going to help!

Have a read of the following top 5 Tips to deal with your injury.

Tip 1Calm it down.

First, you have to take care of the area and make sure that you get the inflammation and pain under control. 

  • Reducing the frequency and intensity of your sport
  • Rest. Your body needs downtime to heal and recover.
  • Ice. Treat your injury, after practice and games.
  • Using anti-inflammatory medicines if needed

Tip 2Change it up.

Here’s where you have to listen to your body, it’s telling you that something is wrong and therefore you need to make modifications to the exercise that you are doing that flares it up.  find and learn ways to prevent injury from occurring:

  • Check your form.  .
  • Cross-train. Change your workout routine to ease the stress on your injury.
  • Increase the intensity, duration and frequency of your workout gradually.

Tip 3Stretch it.

Whether it’s a yoga class, foam rolling or your own stretching routine,  tight areas like hamstrings, glutes, hips, need to be stretched out to perform optimally and prevent abnormalities in your form which can lead to injury. 

A good example of this is a tight calf. Many runners, particularly those who run on their toes, experience a shortening and tightening of their calf muscles, which can lead not only to calf pain but also to plantar fasciitis. By regularly stretching out your calf muscles after a run, you can help prevent this common overuse injury from occurring.

Tip 4Strengthen it.

A weak muscle is usually a tight muscle.  So stretching alone isn’t going to cut it.  Strength is the key to both avoiding tight muscles and injury.  A good strengthening program needs to target all the muscle groups, including the core and the rotator cuff. 

Tip 5Get some help.

If you have tried all of the first four tips and are still suffering from repeated injury or strain, maybe you need another set of eyes to address your injury and help you make an individualized plan.  Often a physiotherapy intervention can get to the root of the problem with a detailed assessment and help you to develop a specialized exercise plan to get you on your way.

Don’t let a nagging injury curtail your exercise intentions!  Although it can be very frustrating, the good news is that you can avoid yet another occurrence with these tips. 

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Easthill Physiotherapy + Acupuncture Clinic has protocols to ensure the utmost safety for our patients, team and community. We have worked hard to protect our public health during this pandemic. Medical masks are mandatory for all staff and patients to keep everyone safe, and we appreciate your commitment.

We continue to follow the guidelines and protective measures indicated by our regulatory boards and governments. Our team has also had extensive training on our new protocols, and we are all 100% committed to ensuring our patients’ safety.

This is the new normal.

All patients and staff will be screened before each visit. Unfortunately, anyone showing signs of respiratory infection will be unable to come into the clinic. We will encourage and book virtual physiotherapy appointments for those that need help but are symptomatic if a client is at greater risk or for anyone who is not comfortable coming into the clinic.

We have the highest standards for hand hygiene and cleaning. All equipment and rooms will be disinfected after each use, frequently touched surfaces will be sterilized, and personal protective equipment will be used in all appropriate situations. Patients and staff will have hand washing stations to ensure proper frequent hand hygiene.

We also understand that it is necessary to reduce the risk of transmission with physical distancing. To do this, we have installed plexiglass barriers, reduced the number of appointments available by spreading them out and designed an optimal patient flow that minimizes contact with other patients and staff before and after appointments. Our team is also committed to practicing these as measures of hand hygiene and physical distancing outside the clinic to be safe when they return to work.

Although it may seem different with the steps we need to take, the Easthill Physiotherapy + Acupuncture team is still the same! We still believe in the same values and are here to provide an extraordinary physiotherapy experience. This is not going to change. Our goal is to keep all of us healthy and happy.

Our fabulous admin team is available to book in-clinic appointments now. Or if you prefer a virtual physiotherapy visit, we can book that too. Please call us at 250-545-2922 to book an appointment or if you would like more information.

Chris Burk + Rob McMillan
Owners, Easthill Physiotherapy