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To Sleep or Not to Sleep…

The question of sleep is very common after a concussion injury…..

Courtesy of CCMI – Complete Concussion Management

  • Can I sleep?
  • How long should I sleep for?
  • What if I can’t sleep?
  • Do I need to be woken up every hour after a concussion?
  • When should I wake up?

After a concussion, it’s very common for people to feel fatigued. They feel drowsy and tired. They want to go to sleep.

But, can they? Should they?

The idea behind not letting someone sleep is not because of concussion; it came from concerns for something more severe and potentially deadly, like a bleed.

The Theory: Waking someone up after a concussion

The recommendation for years, or the “old way” of concussion management, was to wake up a concussed person every hour – or every two hours – throughout the night.


If there is a bleed in the brain, the person may go unconscious. But, if they are already sleeping, you would have no idea that they were actually in need of some serious attention.

The direction was to wake them regularly to ensure they were easily awoken and not showing signs of deterioration. If you could not wake them up or they started to have slurred speech and signs of deterioration, it would be better to catch it earlier than in the morning when it may be too late.

The new thinking: What are the recommendations for sleep after concussion now?

This practice of waking people up after a concussion is no longer recommended, and experts suggest there is no benefit. [1,2] Rest is recommended in the acute stage, immediately following injury – up to 24 to 48 hours – before guided, a gradual return to activity. [3]

The reality is that these more concerning injuries usually appear in the first 3 to 6 hours after injury. Therefore, you should keep a concussed person awake and monitor them. If they show ANY signs of getting worse, or if you are concerned, they should be brought to the emergency room immediately.

It’s essential to keep in mind that a concussion is a functional and not a structural injury. It can sometimes involve loss of consciousness (less than 10% of cases). Although it is rarely associated with bleeds or fractures, you should always look for the “Red Flag” signs and symptoms and immediately go to the hospital if any are present.

Unless your healthcare provider calls for an MRI or CT scan, a concussed person should follow proper protocol. Rest in the acute stage, followed by guided and gradual recovery.

What about kids?

The same rules apply. You should let them sleep if there are no signs of them worsening. But, if you are very concerned as a parent or guardian, monitor them throughout the night and wake them up. It won’t do any harm and will give you peace of mind.

If you or a loved one suffers a concussion, ensure they are appropriately assessed by a medical doctor or a licensed healthcare practitioner with training in concussion management. If you see any potential red flags, immediately take the concussed person to the nearest emergency room or call emergency services.

If you have a concussion and need some help, give us a call! Our physiotherapists trained in complete concussion management will help you get back on your feet.

Services Offered:

Baseline Testing
Concussion Management
Vertigo & Vestibular Rehabilitation

Related Conditions:


Patient Resource Guides:

Concussion Myth Busting

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Easthill Physiotherapy + Acupuncture Clinic has protocols to ensure the utmost safety for our patients, team and community. We have worked hard to protect our public health during this pandemic. Medical masks are mandatory for all staff and patients to keep everyone safe, and we appreciate your commitment.

We continue to follow the guidelines and protective measures indicated by our regulatory boards and governments. Our team has also had extensive training on our new protocols, and we are all 100% committed to ensuring our patients’ safety.

This is the new normal.

All patients and staff will be screened before each visit. Unfortunately, anyone showing signs of respiratory infection will be unable to come into the clinic. We will encourage and book virtual physiotherapy appointments for those that need help but are symptomatic if a client is at greater risk or for anyone who is not comfortable coming into the clinic.

We have the highest standards for hand hygiene and cleaning. All equipment and rooms will be disinfected after each use, frequently touched surfaces will be sterilized, and personal protective equipment will be used in all appropriate situations. Patients and staff will have hand washing stations to ensure proper frequent hand hygiene.

We also understand that it is necessary to reduce the risk of transmission with physical distancing. To do this, we have installed plexiglass barriers, reduced the number of appointments available by spreading them out and designed an optimal patient flow that minimizes contact with other patients and staff before and after appointments. Our team is also committed to practicing these as measures of hand hygiene and physical distancing outside the clinic to be safe when they return to work.

Although it may seem different with the steps we need to take, the Easthill Physiotherapy + Acupuncture team is still the same! We still believe in the same values and are here to provide an extraordinary physiotherapy experience. This is not going to change. Our goal is to keep all of us healthy and happy.

Our fabulous admin team is available to book in-clinic appointments now. Or if you prefer a virtual physiotherapy visit, we can book that too. Please call us at 250-545-2922 to book an appointment or if you would like more information.

Chris Burk + Rob McMillan
Owners, Easthill Physiotherapy