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It’s Golf Season again! Tips to prevent injury on the course.

It’s that season again, spring is around the corner, and those golf clubs in the garage are calling for you to take them out. One of the most common things that physiotherapists treat are injuries related to golf. Shoulders, backs, wrists and elbows are areas that are prone to injury with this sport. These can turn into nagging injuries that start early in the season and can end up shortening your golf season. Want to be prepared this year? Read on for great tips on how to prevent injury and have a great golfing summer.


Golfer’s elbow or tendinitis of the inner aspect of the elbow is a common injury. One of the best ways to avoid this problem is to strengthen the forearm muscles and slow the swing so that there will be less shock in the arm when hitting the ball. Following are some great exercises to strengthen your forearms.

Tennis Ball Squeeze
Squeezing a tennis ball strengthens both the extensor and flexor muscles of the forearm as well as grip strength. Try 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Wrist Curls
Hold a lightweight in your hand, palm facing up. Curl up your wrist, lifting the weight towards your forearm. Lower slowly. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions with one arm and then repeat with the other arm. Now hold the weight with your palm facing down and curl the weight up. Repeat with the opposite arm.


Flexibility is the key to any sport, especially golf. Not only does it enhance your performance and make for a better game, but it also helps to prevent injury. Try the following stretches pre-season as well as before each game.

Neck Rolls
Slowly perform clockwise and counter-clockwise neck rolls.

Shoulder Stretches
Hold a golf club in front of you with a hand at each end of the club. Raise it over your head and hold it for 30 seconds. Then hold it the same way behind your back and lift up to stretch the shoulders and hold.

Trunk Side Bends
Put your hands on your hips and slowly bend down to each side. Hold for 30 seconds.

Trunk Rotation
Place a golf club across your shoulders and hold on to each end of the club. Slowly rotate from the waist and hold in each direction for 30 seconds.


Shoulder injuries can be common as well with golf, usually due to the repetitive swinging nature of the game. To avoid injury the muscles of the shoulder need to be balanced and strong. There is a multitude of muscles around the shoulder and chest that need to work in harmony to avoid injury such as tendonitis. Having a pre-season assessment to determine which particular muscles you may need to strengthen is a great idea.


Having strong low abdominal and back muscles are very important in golf to prevent low back strain as well as to have a solid base for the rest of your body to generate the force needed for the swing. Try tightening your kegel muscles while tucking in your belly button during your swing.  This will protect your low back from the strain that can easily be incurred from the rotational forces created by the golf swing.


Poor golfing mechanics can lead to injury. Since flexing, extending, or twisting excessively or improperly increases your chance of injury, you should have your swing analyzed by a golf instructor to ensure proper technique.


In any sport, it is always important that the equipment is the right fit for you.  In golf, injuries can be caused by improper club size, length and grips. Checking with a golf professional to see if your clubs are the best for you, maybe worthwhile if you find that you are experiencing pain in your wrist, hands or elbow. Some things to try maybe selecting larger and softer grips, and ensuring you have a neutral grip on the club.  Ease excessive vibration with graphite shafts and make sure that the length of the club is appropriate for your size.


Performance and injury prevention is always enhanced with a good warm-up. This should ideally take about 10 minutes and should include a brisk walk to warm your body and muscles. Follow this with some stretching of your neck, shoulders, back and arms. Then start gently swinging a golf club to a half of a swing and work up to a full swing after a few minutes. Perform this swing warm-up slowly, paying particular attention to your body mechanics.


Consulting a professional, such as a physiotherapist pre-season is ideally the best way to avoid injury during the season. These therapists will perform an assessment to determine if there are any existing weaknesses, alignment faults or flexibility issues that can be addressed to prevent injury.

Services Offered:

Sports Assessments

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Easthill Physiotherapy + Acupuncture Clinic has protocols to ensure the utmost safety for our patients, team and community. We have worked hard to protect our public health during this pandemic. Medical masks are mandatory for all staff and patients to keep everyone safe, and we appreciate your commitment.

We continue to follow the guidelines and protective measures indicated by our regulatory boards and governments. Our team has also had extensive training on our new protocols, and we are all 100% committed to ensuring our patients’ safety.

This is the new normal.

All patients and staff will be screened before each visit. Unfortunately, anyone showing signs of respiratory infection will be unable to come into the clinic. We will encourage and book virtual physiotherapy appointments for those that need help but are symptomatic if a client is at greater risk or for anyone who is not comfortable coming into the clinic.

We have the highest standards for hand hygiene and cleaning. All equipment and rooms will be disinfected after each use, frequently touched surfaces will be sterilized, and personal protective equipment will be used in all appropriate situations. Patients and staff will have hand washing stations to ensure proper frequent hand hygiene.

We also understand that it is necessary to reduce the risk of transmission with physical distancing. To do this, we have installed plexiglass barriers, reduced the number of appointments available by spreading them out and designed an optimal patient flow that minimizes contact with other patients and staff before and after appointments. Our team is also committed to practicing these as measures of hand hygiene and physical distancing outside the clinic to be safe when they return to work.

Although it may seem different with the steps we need to take, the Easthill Physiotherapy + Acupuncture team is still the same! We still believe in the same values and are here to provide an extraordinary physiotherapy experience. This is not going to change. Our goal is to keep all of us healthy and happy.

Our fabulous admin team is available to book in-clinic appointments now. Or if you prefer a virtual physiotherapy visit, we can book that too. Please call us at 250-545-2922 to book an appointment or if you would like more information.

Chris Burk + Rob McMillan
Owners, Easthill Physiotherapy